中国范儿 | 石榴籽·同心圆——侗族:河水永流 歌声不断

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中国范儿 | 石榴籽·同心圆——侗族:河水永流 歌声不断
发布日期:2025-01-03 18:44    点击次数:128
  石榴籽·同心圆 | 侗族:河水永流 歌声不断  发布时间:2024-07-03.  今天,一种极富特色的民歌演唱形式面临传承与保护体系上的担忧。  Today, a highly distinctive form of folk singing is facing the challenge overits inheritance and protectionsystem.  小黄村,位于贵州省黔东南从江县深山中。错落有致的侗寨、点缀其间的鼓楼,风雨桥边染布的妇女,构成了一幅侗乡山水人的和谐画面。  Xiaohuang Village is nestled deep in the mountains of Congjiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Guizhou Province. The neatly seated Dong ethnic houses, scattered drum towers and women dyeing cloth by the Wind-rain bridgesform a harmonious picture composed by the mountains, rivers and people in the ethnic village.  鼓楼是侗族人民社交、娱乐和举行重要活动的场所,也是侗族大歌日常训练、接待远方客人的标志性建筑。  The drum tower serves as a venue for social gathering, entertainment, and important events for the Dong ethnic group. It is also a landmark building where the Dong people practice the grand song and welcome guests from afar.  侗族大歌以其独特的演唱方式和组织形式传承着侗族的历史和文化,是侗族社会结构、婚恋文化和精神生活的重要组成部分。  The grand song of the Dong ethnic group, with their unique singing style and organizational structure, carry the history and culture of the Dong people. They are an integral part of the Dong social structure, marriage customs, and spiritual life.  夏日午后,来自中央音乐学院的师生和身着侗族传统服饰的老人共聚鼓楼,共话这门音乐艺术。鼓楼内,还有一对比利时籍夫妇,得益于不久前施行的免签政策,他们选择来到中国,没想到这趟旅行还有了意外“收获”。  On a summer afternoon, students and teachers from the Central Conservatory of Music gather at the drum tower, along with elderly individuals dressed in traditional Dong attire, to discuss this art form. Inside the drum tower, there is also a Belgian couple who, thanks to the recently implemented visa-free policy, werevisiting China. Little did they know that this trip would bring them unexpected "gains."  鼓楼大歌的演唱通常采用分部合唱的形式,结合了领唱(独唱)与众唱,要求歌手们在没有指挥的情况下协作演唱。这种“默契”在顶级歌手之间,往往只需要眼神间的交流或是欢笑的回应,富于变化的节拍,不懂侗语也“引人入胜”。  The grand song at the drum tower is usually performed via sectional choir singing, combining solo and group singing. Singers are required to collaborate without a conductor. This "telepathy" between top singers often only requires eye contact or a smile. The ever-changing rhythms and captivating melodies of the songs are captivating even to those who do not understand the Dong language.  小黄侗族大歌自清代形成独立体系,经歌师不断向周边传承,极大丰富了侗族大歌的曲目。小黄村能唱歌的十有八九,并非夸谈。“饭养身,歌养心”这种朴素的智慧,表达了侗族人民对自然、生活和社会的感悟,也加强了彼此间的联系和认同感。  The Xiaohuang Village's Dong grand song has developed as an independent system since the Qing Dynasty and has been passed down by singing masters to the surrounding areas, greatly enriching the repertoire of Dong grand song. It is not an exaggeration to say that almost everyone in Xiaohuang Village can sing. The simple wisdom of "food nourishes the body, while singing nourishes the soul" expresses the Dong people's understanding of nature, life, and society. It also strengthens their connection and sense of identity with each other.  潘萨银花:“这条河叫‘传歌河’,我们这里有一个故事,有一个老人编出一首歌来,边唱歌边劳动,光劳动也没有开心,也没有快乐。人不唱歌人会老,花不听歌花不开。”  Pan Sayinhua: "This river is called ‘Song-Race River.’A story has it that an elderly person composed a song, andsang it while working. Just working without singing is not a happyexperience. People age without singing, and flowers won't bloom without listening to songs."  曲终人散,余音绕梁……而歌手们通常将回归生活,现身市井。近年来,由于年轻人外出打工的“缺席”,侗族大歌传承则“交棒”给了小学生,但这仍让潘奶奶担忧。  After the grand song performance ends, its melodies can still linger for a while. However, the singers often return to their normal livesand embrace the hustle and bustle of the city. In recent years, with the absence of young people due to migration for work, the inheritance of the Dong ethnic group's grand song has been passed on to primary school students. However, this situation still leaves GrandmaPan worried.  潘萨银花:“我心里很难过。想把我心里的歌都教给他们,那我才放心。现在他们就是没有时间学,我都没有办法。我们侗族大歌又没有侗文又没有侗谱,很难教的,几天他们才唱得一首歌。”         Pan Sayinhua: "I feel really sad. I want to teach them all the songs I know, only then will I be at ease. But now they don't have time to learn, and I can do nothing about it. Our Dong ethnic group's grand song doesn't have written scores, making it difficult to teach. It takes them several days just to learn one song."  与中央音乐学院师生告别的潘奶奶,脚踩“解放鞋”,步行到了小学校门前,迈上几十个台阶后,并没有休息,径直走进教室开始授课。孩子们可能不会明白,眼前的老人是这项国家级非物质文化遗产的一本“活教科书”。  After bidding farewell to the teachers and students, Grandma Pan, wearing a pair of rubber-soled shoes, walked to the entrance of the primary school. She climbed several dozen steps, andwithout taking a break, went straight into the classroom to start her lesson. The children may not realize it, but the elderly person in front of them is a living "textbook" of this national-level intangible cultural heritage.  合唱《侗歌汉语都要学》歌词大意:河里鱼儿蹦蹦跳,侗家娃儿学歌真热闹。学会侗歌和汉语,送给外婆笑眯眯。学会侗歌和汉语,送给奶奶心欢喜。    [Chorus] The general meaning of the lyrics of "Learn both the Dong Grand Song and Chinese": Fish in the river jump and dance, the children of the Dong ethnic group happily learn singing the grand song. Learning both the Dong grand song and Chinesewould bring smiles to grandma's face, as well as bringing joy to grandma's heart."    有70余年建校史的小黄小学,设有专门的侗族音乐课,但却仅能教授基础儿童歌曲。孩子们毕业后会去几十公里外的县城上学,便不会再继续学习,让这门艺术处在后继无人的窘境。  With a history of over 70 years, Xiaohuang Elementary School has a dedicated Dong ethnic music class. However, it only teaches basic children's songs. After graduating, the children will go to schools in the county, which is dozens of kilometers away, and they will no longer continue their music education. This situation has left this art form in a predicament with no successors.  潘萨银花,自幼学习侗族大歌,师承她的学生已经有千余名。潘奶奶如今已耄耋之年,由于近来腿脚不好,空闲时间还会在家做纸赚些钱,她做的纸张几十年不会坏掉。  Pan Sayinhua, from a young age, has been studying the traditional Dong grand song. She has taught over a thousand studentsabout the folk art. Now in her old age, Grandma Pan's legs have been giving her trouble. In her free time, she makes paper at home to earn some money. The paper she makes can last for decades without deterioration.    潘萨银花:“四、五岁会讲话开始,就跟老人开始学歌,爸爸妈妈白天上山,晚上回来我们吃饭过后,就是学侗族大歌。小的时候开始教歌,就是教《筑塘歌》”  Pan Sayinhua: "I started learning the songs from the elderly when I was able to speak at around four or five years old. During the day, my parents would go to the mountainsto work, and in the evening when they returned, we would have dinner and then start learning the Dong grand song. I started teaching the grand song when I was young, which was the 'Song of Building Ponds.'"  潘奶奶不会用电脑,平时只能用手机录些歌保存。而奶奶最喜欢的情歌,侗族青年男女鼓楼下你侬我侬的对歌画面已几近消失。令人欣慰的是,当地文旅部门将这些艺术搬上了“乡村周末大舞台”,各民族轮流进行演出。  Grandma Pan, who could not use computers, can only record songs on her mobile phone. However, the scenes in her favorite love songs, which are about Dong ethnic young men and women engaging in affectionate duets under the drum tower, have vanished. It is heartening to note that the local cultural and tourism department has brought theart to the weekend performance activity in rural areas, where different ethnic groups take turns to showcase their fork performances.  《筑塘歌》主要描绘侗族小朋友一起玩泥巴的场面。歌词大意:侗家娃,挖泥巴,来玩耍,筑成水塘养鱼虾,筑成水塘种庄稼。  [Solo] "Song of Building Ponds" primarily depicts scenes of Dong ethnic children playing with mud. The lyrics: The Dong childrenare digging mudfor play. They try to build ponds to raise fish and shrimp, and cultivate crops in them.         学术支持:中央民族大学互联网平台企业发展与治理研究中心  Academic Support: Research Center for Internet Platform Enterprise Development and Governance at Minzu University of China  鸣谢:从江县文体广电旅游局  Acknowledgement: Congjiang County's bureau of culture, sports, broadcasting, TV and tourism.  9001354  客户端中查看    手机中查看  分享